It's like Mardi Gras meets the bombing of Dresden...
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Culture Warrior
I was flipping through channels last night, and paused on Bill O'Reilly while waiting for the lead-in to Hannity and Colmes (which I stopped watching once the feature piece was on Rosie O'Donnell saying Christians are as dangerous as muslims) and I saw a plug to visit Bill O'Reilly's website and take the test to see if I'm a culture warrior! So, I did, and apparently, I am.

Why am I a culture warrior? Because I answered five incredibly stupid questions. Questions like, "Do you believe America is harmful to the world?" or "Would it be unfair to rank the following in terms of evil power (in lowest to highest): Darth Vader, Al Gore, Stalin, Al Sharpton, Cindy Sheehan?" or "Do you think Nancy Pelosi should be able to give post-natal abortions by waiting in the nursery with a machete?" Answering no to any of these makes you a "culture warrior!" So, at least I have that...

- incidentally, the "discussion" between David Limbaugh, Bob Beckel, and the Hannity/Colmes duo consisted of mainly this (most accurate if read aloud yelling):

Limbaugh: "Democrats disparage Christians!"
Colmes: "Which Democrats? How can you implicate an entire party based on quotes by three or four people?"
Limbaugh: "Read my book! Page 97-104!"
Colmes: "We're on TV, how about you just tell us?"
Beckel: "I'm a born again Christian! Six years! Stop bringing my Christ into your politics!"

Finally, I think we all need to hope that I won't be too heavily evalutated based on my current ability to do the job I'm being interviewed for, but rather more heavily on my potential ability to do said job, if someone can show me how to do it first. Most appropriate analogy: Would you draft Brent Barry if his playing resume consisted of- "Won two of three games of HORSE in gym class?"
"You cannot wield it!"


Blogger RJ said...

I know I wouldn't!

5:44 PM  

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