It's like Mardi Gras meets the bombing of Dresden...
Sunday, August 20, 2006
For the fourth time in four months, I'm busy packing up everything I own and moving it to a new apartment/condo/house/cottage. Well, specifically, I'm moving it all back to a condo that I used to live at, and had to move out of for a month because our landlady is a complete and total bitch. Unfortunately, due to a few acquisitions of an Xbox 360, numerous books, a fair amount of new clothes to replace ones that were perfectly fine, and the non-perishables I failed to eat before moving, everything I own no longer fits in my truck. So, instead of one cleverly packed uber-trip, I have to make a couple of smaller, less careful trips. It isn't too bad, since my old condo is only a mile away, but it's going to suck in two or three months, when instead of driving a mile, I'm driving to Akron/Charlottesville/Denver/Florida/?/Grad school somewhere, and I have to start throwing things away again...


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