It's like Mardi Gras meets the bombing of Dresden...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
New Template!
I've been trying to write a post that will match the sheer awesomeness of my new template, but I've been failing miserably. I'll think of a totally sweet topic and start writing, then find that I don't know enough to make it cohesive, or that I can't make it interesting. So instead, I'm going to compile a short list of things that are almost as sweet as my new template.
  1. Finding money in the back pocket of pants that have been laying on the floor for weeks.
  2. Cake- as in the Band.
  3. Watching people trip.
  4. Being offered a job with a shady business growth and development firm (I'm not sure what they do either) just because the owner saw me reading investment and finance books at Barnes and Noble. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the way legitimate companies go around recruiting labor. If Stephen Hawking walked, er... rolled, in and saw me pick up a book on black holes, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't assume I was a theoretical physicist , nor would he offer me a research grant.
  5. The Producer Pant from Express.
  6. Flatulence.
  7. Valence electrons and/or The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
  8. Group projects with non-traditional students. They may be middle aged, overweight, and for the most part complete failures, but goddamit they'll work their ass off to pass the class.
  9. Phone calls from Grandma, but before the part where she starts crying and tells me her grandkids are the only thing she has left to live for, you know, the part that isn't incredibly awkward.
  10. Boobs... no, wait, boobs are probably cooler.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get a sweet post on post-modernism up fairly soon, but I'm kinda stuck for now, I'm just not sure where to go with it...


Blogger Greg said...

Dude, is that a picture of a gay couple at the top? Cause it totally looks like it. That... "woman" looks like Tim Curry in The Rocky Horror Pciture Show. Are you changing a lot of things in your life in conjunction with this template change?

11:14 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

A couple of points proving the heterosexuality of that picture-

1) He has a black eye. I'm pretty sure you can't get those in a slap fight.
2) They're drinking scotch, not some fruity, and it definately does not contain Hypnotic.
3) That "woman" doesn't have an Adam's apple. What she did have was cancer, but she drowned it in scotch and chemotherapy, which killed her liver and her hair, respectively.

5:08 PM  
Blogger E.A.P said...

1) Awesome new template. Kudos to Redhurt. Additional kudos for any art direction you gave. I always like it when a template not only looks swanky but really suits the site it blankets. Nicely done.

2) Cake? OF COURSE THEY FREAKIN' ROCK: They have a song about a AN OPERA SINGER. Fortuitously, "Italian Leather Sofa" just came up on iTUNES. "She doesn't care whether or not he's an island just as long as his ship's coming in." Typical of their particular brand of brilliance.

3) The Producer Pant is a Hubster wardrobe INSTITUTION. Classy choice there.

4) Looking forward to your thoughts on postmodernism.

4:55 PM  

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