It's like Mardi Gras meets the bombing of Dresden...
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
March of the Penguins

"I just saw the absolutely beautiful March of the Penguins, which is meant to make you consider the majesty and pagentry of the natural world, but really just left me feeling like, if there is a God, he hates the shit out of penguins. In order to have children in the same place every year, these birds march 70 miles across the arctic tundra, periodically starving and freezing to death as they try to keep eggs warm between their legs. Apparently the cold does something to thebaby penguins developing brains because they are stupid enough to follow in their parents' footsteps the very next year. Talk about the one mistake you don't want to repeat.

Every divergent emotion attributed to the waddling birds looked the same, like some Wild Kingdom parody of Zoolander. I saw this in a theater full of people who kept saying things like, "Look at how much like human beings they are!" Um, not exactly. There's a reason why human beings run the world instead of penguins, and it's on display in March of the Penguins."

That is a post I can aspire to. Making fun of animals, a nod to Zoolander, and use of the phrase "hates the shit out of." Plus, he had an article in


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