It's like Mardi Gras meets the bombing of Dresden...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
It's That Time Again
There are few things that can get me drunk at 4:30 in the afternoon. No, wait... scratch that. There are quite a few things that can get me drunk at 4:30 in the afternoon, and Jagerbombs and Miller Lite in sufficient quantities fit the bill. Fortunately, the mile long walk home from the bar across from work with a 40+ mph wind coming off the lake on a forty degree day, followed by reading a magazine on the pot for enough time to make my legs fall asleep is enough to sober me up enough to finally post something. Why the extended absence? Why not? It's now official that the blogs are dying to make way for Web 3.0 or something, and we can get plenty of incidental contact from each other now that Facebook is open to everyone. Care for a poke, anyone?

Regardless, my six month struggle to adjust to my job has finally come to its dramatic conclusion, a frank discussion about my long-term suitability for the profession, followed by a generous severance offer and help finding something else where I don't work seventy hour weeks in order to get a promotion I don't want to earn money I don't really need, and I'm taking it. I've got a few months to start looking before I stop working, followed with a few months of pay after I officially leave, and I'm excited.

What am I going to go do? I'm not really sure, but I'm sure I'll find something. I always do. My immediate goal is to move out of the Midwest, most likely to Colorado. There, I'll be too busy climbing mountains and transcending reality to worry about my pending unemployment, and I'll probably find a job anyway, because in all honesty, I'm a totally sweet employee if you can get past the fact that I've never stayed at a job for longer than nine months. However, in my defense, most of the jobs I've been hired for in the past three years were intended to be for short periods of time.

All in all, I've developed at least one major complex over the past four years. I've become a nomad. Working a bunch of different short term jobs in different parts of the country (I'm averaging a new state every 6.8 months over the past three years, and I've had a different residence something like ten times over the past 2+ years) has made me incapable of thinking of any place as "home", it's just somewhere I stay until it's time to move again. I don't even bother unpacking what I do take from place to place anymore, it just stays in boxes hidden away until it's time to move again.

In conclusion, trees don't die until they put down roots. Seeds are eternal.


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