It's like Mardi Gras meets the bombing of Dresden...
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
On Cursive
I think it is time for cursive handwriting to go the way of the dodo, Romance languages, chivalry, biplanes, and 1970's pubic hair. However great it was back in 1495 AD when Aldus Manutius grew tired of simple block printing that everyone could read, and decided to hamper the efforts of newly literary peasants, it is of no use to anyone any longer. Anything long enough to tire your hand of writing is now typed, and everything shorter requires printing for clarification (application forms, bank deposit slips, etc...) so let's let it die already! I remember back in elementary school when every year my teacher would say, "when you get to sixth grade/junior high/high school/college everything will have to be in cursive" and it NEVER happened.

If you are wondering what motivated this post, I was just faxed a list of 128 player names for a tournament here tomorrow in cursive, and it is about as readable as the birthday cards I get from my grandma every year... so I hope half the field doesn't mind having their name spelled wrong on the alpha list, pairings sheet, scorecards, and scoreboard...

I also found this over at National Review on the Alito nomination... remember, I said it here first! Also, Katharine Harris is going to be out at my golf course doing a radio interview on Friday, anyone remember hanging and pregnant chads?


Blogger Greg said...

Romance languages? I don't think those are dead... yet.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Neither are old people, but no one deludes themselves as to what is about to happen...

10:15 PM  
Blogger Greg said...


10:29 AM  
Blogger JMC said...

So my second grade teacher – who came to this country in a biplane - was this gallant, Italian-speaking woman with obviously unruly-public hair (it was so bad, it made a bulge in her dresses). Anyway, she used to send me to the principle’s office because I refused to learn cursive. I never did learn it and it hasn’t once in my life held me... what’s that... you need me to write a letter in cursive... DAMN IT!!!

But she seriously had a bulge.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

If I had to pick one person I know who would have been sent to the office for refusing to learn cursive, it would definately be you...

..and if I never see the word "gallant" in the same sentence as "unruly pubic hair" again, I'll die fairly happy.

12:48 PM  

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