It's like Mardi Gras meets the bombing of Dresden...
Monday, October 31, 2005
I've decided that pornography is entirely too mainstream and prevalent. I'll give three examples.
  • I watched part of a special on HBO about porn star Katie Morgan the other night. Basically, it was Katie Morgan sitting naked in a chair for thirty minutes talking about her rise as a porn star. Besides her being butt ass naked, the format was one of the least sexual things I've even witnessed, short of amorphous blob Louie Anderson. Why did she have to be naked? It was totally unnecessary, but I guess I wouldn't have watched otherwise... Touche HBO.
  • While hanging out at Barnes and Noble last night, I saw the autobiography of Jenna Jamison situated adjacent to, you guessed it, the biography of Pope John Paul the II. The books weren't touching though, which makes sense, (insert Catholic priest pedophile joke here). You all knew that was coming, I shouldn't even have to write it out.
  • I just walked into my bathroom to take care of some urgent business, and I started flipping through the magazines on the sink. I happened to flip through, when I thought I saw what appeared to be the cover of a Superman comic book. I was momentarily excited, until I pulled it out and it was just another issue of Playboy. It wasn't a total loss though, it was the Denise Richards Christmas issue and c'mon, I'm not that desensitized. Yet.
Charlie Sheen is an idiot. I dare you to disagree.

If you aren't too upset about me not making a single, obligatory masturbation joke, then check out my updated SCOTUS post down below. Also, I bet the title of this post will help drive up traffic to my site!


Blogger Hans-Georg Gadamer said...

Jacks, right on you are. Although if you really want to see it done to the extreme, come over to England and watch BBC 5. They have this show on every Friday night called "My Secret Body" and it is basically a bunch of very normal (and sometimes ridiculously old!) people getting naked in front of a camera and talking about their neck. Why they have to be naked to talk about their neck is beyond me, but the Brits love it. Personally it makes me sick.

Another interesting mental picture - last week's ended with a 70 year old female stripper who bounced men's heads between here breasts. That's right. And yet they are horribly offended when I say "Jeez". Interesting.

8:14 AM  
Blogger RJ said...

yeah, that always seems weird to me too. The naked thing. What's the big flippin' deal? I think I get desensitized to it very quickly, and the mystique of woman is much sexier than plain nakedness. Seeing total strangers or even familiar celebrities naked is sometimes like winning 20 cents in the lottery. It feels like a huge let down because it's not nearly as cool or interesting as you thought it'd be. It's just another person being naked. And as Seinfeld described it, there's far more "Bad naked" in the world than "Good naked."

10:10 AM  

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